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Friday 13 July 2018

Book Suggestions for Computer Languages

Hello Everyone!

This is just a short post to hand out some suggestions about books. If you are studying a programmatic language, you may find a lot of books in the market which cover all the details of the language and from basic to complex all of the concepts.

Image result for headfirstHowever, I personally recommend HeadFirst books which are great if you are a beginner at language and complex books with lots of boring theories and background history are tiresome for  you. You will find books on C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Html, SQL and many other languages.
There are also books on Design Patterns and Algorithms. The content and concept is explained in easy to understand and interesting way for you to have a great learning time. There are exercises and practices in the book too. The books cover all the basic and common concepts about the languages but if you want more details and advanced knowledge, you can refer to those complex books after acquiring basic concepts. :P

" The more you know, the more you grow. :) "



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