All about C plus plus algorithms!

Monday 17 July 2017

Linked String in C++ || PART 2 || C++ Class

As we have already discussed in the previous post about linked lists and how they work. Please view Linked String in C++ || PART 1 || C++ Class to see that post.

I have written the code for Singly linked list for characters. To assist creating nodes, I have made a function called CreateNode( ) inside the private of this class. This function creates a new node and returns the address of it. I have not made it public because the public users need not to make new nodes.

struct Node
char c;
Node* next;

class LinkedString

Node* head, *tail;
int size;

Node* CreateNode(char d)
Node* temp = new Node;
temp->next = nullptr;
temp->c = d;
return temp;  //address of the created node


In the public, I have first made constructors.

LinkedString()   //default constructor
head = tail = nullptr;
size = 0;


LinkedString(const string & str)   //takes string as input and stores in the linked list
char c;
int n = str.size();

int i = 0;
while ( i < n)
c =;



LinkedString(const LinkedString & obj)   //copy constructor

LinkedString lnk;

Node* holder = obj.head;
// size = 0;
if (holder != nullptr)
while (holder->next != nullptr)

lnk.addCharAtEnd(holder->c);  //the helping function made in private
holder = holder->next;

head = lnk.head;
tail = lnk.tail;
size = lnk.size;


As you can see I have used a function addCharAtEnd() in the copy constructor that inserts new node at the end of the list and makes the tail point to it. Its code will go into the private section of the class.

void  addCharAtEnd(char ch)
if (size == 0)
head = tail = CreateNode(ch);

tail->next = CreateNode(ch);
tail = tail->next;


Now I can't go explaining all the functions that I have made; some private, some public. So I will share the code only.

Here is the link to the drive folder containing the Header file which has the code for the class and a sample main file the run tests on those functions.

Source files for Linked List

Thank you for reading! ^^ And if you have any questions or confusions regarding the code, comment below. :)



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